• Prospect Park Minneapolis Slideshow

    Prospect Park – Minneapolis, Minnesota

PROSPECT PARK nrp phase I Procedures

PPERRIA/NRP Funds Release Procedure

The Neighborhood Action Plan for the Prospect Park and East River Road neighborhood was approved by a vote of the neighborhood in April 1995.  That plan identified ten broad categories and 94 specific strategies for implementation.  PPERRIA is the fiscal agent to implement that plan.  Since then proposals to implement strategies have been approved by PPERRIA and the NRP funds necessary to implement the strategy have been released.  PPERRIA action is required before any contracts with MCDA/NRP for implementation can be drafted.  This procedure states PPERRIA's process to decide what proposals to submit to the MCDA and NRP.  This procedure is a specific application of the general procedure stated in the PPERRIA Bylaws, Article VI [C].

(1) The PPERRIA committee that considers the topic of a strategy does research on ways to implement that strategy.  Its research includes soliciting implementation proposals and finding the practical and financial feasibility of each proposal.  It prepares a public written report of the findings on all proposals brought before and considered by the committee and the final recommendations.  Upon approval of the report and recommendations, the committee then sends them to the PPERRIA's Executive Committee and NRP/PPERRIA Director of Financial Review.

(2) The PPERRIA Executive Committee and the NRP/PPERRIA, Director of Financial Review each then consider the report.  They must each append findings to the report about whether or not the recommendations are consistent with the Neighborhood Action Plan.  A finding by the Executive Committee that the recommendation is not consistent with the Plan is a rejection of the report.  The report is then returned to committee for further action.  Separate from its finding on consistency with the Action Plan, the Executive Committee may approve, amend, reject, or return the report and recommendations to committee for further action.  Upon approval of the report and recommendations, the Executive Committee sends them to a PPERRIA membership meeting.

(3) Before the membership meeting at which the report is to be considered, a detailed summary of the report and recommendations are published in the PPERRJA newsletter.  The full report and recommendations are also published on the PPERRIA web site.  A written copy of the report and recommendation must be given to any PPERRIA member upon request to a member of the Executive Committee. 

(4) The membership then considers the report.  The membership may approve, amend, reject, or return the report to originating committee for further action.  Approval of the report releases the funds approved for the implementation of the strategy.  Upon approval of the report and recommendations, the President sends them to the NRP.

(5) The NRP works with PPERRIA and the contract vendor to prepare the Scope of Service, appropriate budgets, and any contracts between the implementing agency/vendor and the MCDA.

(6) The originating committee monitors contract performance.  It reports to membership periodically on the progress of implementation.

This procedure is effective upon adoption.  It supercedes all conflicting documents including the "PPERRIA NRP Contract Approval Process," adopted 6/26/95.

(Adopted by the membership of PPERRIA on September 27, 1999)

NRP/PPERRIA Executive Committee Grievance Procedure
As Amended at June 28, 1999 Meeting

1. The grievance procedure is available to any resident, business or property owner within the Prospect Park East River Road neighborhood affected by the NRP Action Plan implementation process and who feels there has been a procedure followed by the General Membership or Executive Committee of PPERRIA which is inconsistent with the basic principles of open, democratic decision-making. This is to be distinguished from disagreement with the content of the decisions made in a democratic way.

2. Any resident, business or property owner may file a grievance concerning the NRP procedure by using the following process:

a) The grievance is presented in writing to the NRP/PPERRIA Executive Committee by sending it to the PPERRIA President at the PPERRIA mailbox, 66 Malcolm Ave. SE.

b) The written submission must address these questions:

1) What is the concern regarding the NRP implementation process?
2) What specific action(s) by the PPERRIA General Membership and/or Executive Committee are(were) incorrect?
3) What should be done to correct the problem?
4) Does the grievant wish to have a member of the Executive Committee appointed by the President available to assist the grievant in presenting the grievance (as prepared by the grievant) at the Executive Committee meeting and/or subcommittee meeting?

c) The PPERRIA Executive Committee may appoint a special subcommittee, composed of members of the Executive Committee, who would hear the grievance and make recommendations to the Executive Committee. The PPERRIA Executive Committee will consider these recommendations and accept, reject or modify them.

d) The Executive Committee will make an effort to respond to the grievance within 30 days.

e) The Executive Committee's decision/resolution will be provided in writing to the person(s) filing the grievance and to the Board of Directors of PPERRIA.

f) If this decision does not resolve the issue, the Executive Committee may request outside assistance with mediation, such as from the Minneapolis Mediation Project. Once an offer of mediation has been extended to the grievant by the Executive Committee, the grievant has 30 days to accept this offer.

g) If the PPERRIA Executive Committee action does not resolve the issue, the person(s) filing the grievance may file a formal request to the Minneapolis NRP Policy Board for further assistance.

NOTE: In compliance with NRP Grievance Procedure Sec. II (5) adopted 6/27/94, PPERRIA has a separate policy governing ground rules for meetings. This revised grievance policy will be added as an exhibit to PPERRIA's contract with NRP in compliance with NRP Grievance Procedure Sec. II (2) and is available on PPERRIA's website at: http://www.pperria.org/org/pperria/