• Prospect Park Minneapolis Slideshow

    Prospect Park – Minneapolis, Minnesota


The PPA board consists of 16 directors. 14 directors are elected for 2-year positions in staggered terms (7 in even-numbered, and 7 in odd-numbered years) as well as 2 directors appointed annually (one from the business community and one who is a university student). In some years we may elect a person for a one-year term to fill a vacancy. Any adult resident, property owner, renter, business owner, or business lessee in Prospect Park is eligible to run for an elected position.

PPA Board Elections May 13-20, 2024

View PPA Board Candidate Profiles

PPA board member election will be held online at the PPA Annual Meeting starting 6:30pm on Monday May 13.

As announced in fall, 2021, PPA moved board member elections to May in order to take advantage of the first city-wide neighborhood organization election made available by Neighborhood Community Relations (NCR). Participating in the city-wide election date will bring greater attention to our neighborhood board election, giving more neighbors the opportunity to participate as candidates and voters. The City of Minneapolis will help promote neighborhood organization board member elections held on the city-wide date. 

Background: PPA board member terms conform to the city-wide neighborhood elections in May of each year beginning in 2022 and coordinated by the City of Minneapolis Neighborhood Community Relations (NCR) department.
We are excited to partner with NCR for the PPA Annual Board Election. At the June, 2021 Board/Community meeting the PPA Board unanimously passed a resolution, reviewed by PPA's legal counsel, to move our regular Board of Directors election to May from September in order to participate in NCR’s city-wide election date. NCR will provide their resources to publicize each neighborhood's election. This will help PPA reach more Prospect Park residents and ensure greater community engagement! Click here to view the approved resolution.

Join PPA's Board of Directors

Get engaged in the city and neighborhood discussions about community building, transportation, safety, environmentalism, equity, land use, renter's rights and more!

Please consider serving on PPA's Board of Directors. In the May election there will be seven board seats whose term expires at that time. Board terms are two years starting June 2024 and ending June 2026.
Click here for info about serving as a board member.
Click here for more information about the PPA Board.
If you are interested in running for the PPA board please contact the PPA Staff for more information.
Information on how to participate in the May election as a candidate or voter is published in PPA’s mini-May and mid-April newsletters
Black or indigenous folks, people of color, students, and renters are urged to apply to bring diverse perspectives to the PPA board.
Prospect Park Association Meetings will continue to be held virtually for the time being.